I think I may have just become an atheist.
I’m 42M. I grew up Catholic. Was kind of bored with Catholicism so explored Christian churches in college and early 20’s. As time went by and I learned more and more, I found myself seriously doubting my faith.
As of recently, I considered myself agnostic. Like I’m open to the idea that there may be a higher being but we won’t ever prove it in our lives. That spawned from the idea that how am I sure the Jews and Christians are correct that their God is the real God. How can anyone for sure say the Ancient Greeks were wrong? The Buddhists. That there aren’t multiple Gods or something.
But lately I’ve found myself thinking that religion was entirely made up for people to reason about the Earth’s existence before science. And the rules as a way to control the human race and for people to get power.
And I kind of now find it silly that billions of people are praying and revolving their lives around something that doesn’t even exist. Which makes me think I may have passed through the realm of agnosticism.
EDIT*: Thanks to the knowledgeable people on here, it’s seems the realms I’ve passed through are from a theist -> agnostic theist -> agnostic atheist.