DaySpring, insidious hidden christian company

My wife bought a calendar from Walmart, specifically avoiding the religiously themed ones. She found one covered in plants and chose that, being a plant major. It wasn't until we got home that she opened it and found god pasted all over. There is no mention or indication on the outside of the calendar itself as to its specific contents and it was sealed on the bottom, requiring being cut in order to open it. Upon opening, this cardboard piece came out and made it clear to us what it was about:

Looking through the calendar, it includes all the Christian and Jewish holidays and has no mention of Islamic or others' holidays like Ramadan. It's quite annoying that Christian companies have to use insidious tactics to sneak their religion into peoples' lives. They didn't even include their company name on the outside of the calendar to have looked it up beforehand. It's almost like Christians know they're in decline and that people won't willingly buy their crap.