Looking for (preferably nerdy) friends
Just got out of a 3.5 year relationship with a guy I was deeply in love with, who emotionally cheated on me (he claimed it was just sexting; I call bullshit, but almost feel sorry for the girl if they did fuck because the sex was less than great) for the first year and a half of our relationship. Oh, and also lied about being divorced.
Needless to say, I’m devastated. He was my support system and my only friend. I may need to have him move back in just because I’m broke af and can’t afford this place by myself. Which is, obviously, super less than ideal.
Sorry for the trauma dump. I’m obviously in a bad spot and still processing. I’m really just looking to fill my life with good people right now so I can start to heal and not feel so alone. I’d like to think I’m a great friend; life has kind of just kicked my ass and not allowed me to maintain friendships until now.
Anyhoo, I’m 37F and nerdy. I’m more of a gamer (I haven’t been able to really game in a while, but this turn of events frees up my time!), but I would love to learn Magic or if anyone plays the Final Fantasy TCG, we’d be friends forever (I also don’t know how to play that lol). I would also love to learn DnD, or any board games. I haven’t really had the time or energy to delve into nerdy hobbies, but I think it’s time to change that.
I have a cat - and I’m getting a second one! Both are named after Final Fantasy characters. I used to cosplay, but, again. Time.
I really just want some like minded people to get close to and have fun with. Even if you’re not a nerd, I’m still open to meeting any and everyone. As long as you love cats! 😂