In my opinion there are no bad Assassin's Creed games

I haven't even been playing the series that long. I started in around 2019, a year before Valhalla's release.
I heard AC 3's characters were poorly written, yet I found them entertaining and some of the most badass in the series. I heard that Odyssey was a really bad game having nothing to do with the rest of the series, but I learned a ton about the Isu and the Order of the Ancients from that game, and to date it is my most memorable playthrough of any game. I hear Valhalla was bad and over bloated, yet I found wonder in exploring the world, experiencing its art, and when the final update came it felt amazing to give the game one last go.
Same story with Unity and Syndicate. People thought they were unpolished and poorly written, yet I had a blast playing them and they delivered some impactful moments.
I know I'm probably biased, but I've enjoyed every single Assassin's Creed game I've played, and their music/story beats have been really impactful.