does anyone else just… never have anything to say?

this has been a recurring issue in my life. whenever people talk to me - which could be anyone, including people i’m very close with and have known for years - i blank out and never really have a response. like there’s nothing going through my head, and i don’t really feel the desire or need to respond to their words.

it really sucks because i’ve tried relentlessly to improve on this but i just can’t keep a long conversation going!! and people think i’m intentionally being brusque because i’m irritated, and it’s like - no girl!!! i just don’t have anything on me right now!!

PLEASE tell me i’m not alone here

Edit: ahhh i’m actually crying i’m so glad this is a common issue for like an overwhelmingly large portion of us!! i’ve always felt soo alienated for this because i almost NEVER hear any other ND spaces talk about it. thank you girls 😭