Can trans people still have sex?

Hello beautiful people, I'm stupid so please don't judge. So I have meet this trans women? (I'm really sorry if I messed that up) She is extremely hot and we might start dating, but I am scared. I have not been in very many trans places and my family was that super religious check your phone every 5 minutes and can't believe sex ed is taught to children kind of people (yes also I am home schooled) anyways I have no idea about anything trans, so she has a dick but I have no idea if it still works. Now she may be hot and nice but personally I don't think I can go the rest of my life without any sexual pleasure from partners. So I recite my question, do women still have a dick that's in working order? I am so so sorry if I sound transphobic I have no idea how any of this works.

Edit: I am absolutely astonished so many people replied so fast, thank you everyone don't know what else to say. If anyone cares I will update with what happens.

Update 1: not sure if anyone cares but we have a date tomorrow night. I am happy. Also I have noticed a few people thinking I am male, just to clear things up I am female. Also I said that I did not get sex ed which is true but I am not a virgin, I was a little surprised someone put like an entire essay about how to have sex, I am 24 I have figured these things out thank you though. Thank you to everyone who commented. I will update the ones again the morning after the date.