How strict is work law in Switzerland?


long story short: my boyfriend announced that he will be leaving to go to Switzerland this Tuesday to his father to work there illegaly. He doesn't know single word in german, he doesn't have passport (we are from Poland) and his lazy-f father doesn't even had any full time job in span of two years, he live from social allowances.

I've tried to talk him out of this ridiculous idea but today he told me that he booked the ticket for travel. And here is my question: How strict are work laws in Switzerland? How often controls in workplace take place? And finally: how fast - in your opinion - he will be deported back to Poland?

And just fyi: I told him that he is about to do the biggest mistake of his life, but he responded that I don't know anything about life cuz a lot of people had left Poland to work illegaly. And while I may agree with this when it comes to countries that are part of EU, I can't agree with this when it comes to Switzerland.