My mom lectured me about finding a boyfriend that made me feel uncomfortable

I (25F) went out with some friends (24F, 22F, 26M & 23M) to celebrate a birthday (the 22F). We had a good time as I got to know the two guys (this was my first time meeting them). After we all parted ways and went home, my mom (59) asked me how it went. She asked me if I liked the single guy (one of them is dating the other female friend) and I said he was nice but it was my first time meeting him and wouldn't mind being his friend.

She asked if I would consider dating him and I said no because of reasons I won't air out here (nothing bad but privacy). She then asked me when I'll get a bf since I never dated (which isn't true because I dated an ex friend for a month and I later found out he's an asshole and is in prison for doing the unspeakable to someone else) and I told her I wasn't interested in dating.

This seemed to have triggered something in her as she goes on about how I shouldn't turn away the idea of dating. She began to suddenly lecture me on how dating should be a main goal in life and how I wouldn't want to grow old and be alone. She was happy when I said I'm not romantically attracted to women and said it was a good thing. She said I'm her daughter so she would love me no matter what but also tells me that since I'm catholic, I should date and marry a man.

I'm not against dating or marriage completely, but I'm not actively looking to do either. Dating isn't a main or ultimate goal in my life. I don't plan on having children either. She says I can start looking for men rather it's with a group of friends or church (funny how she brings church up when she hasn't gone in years wither) but I should meet someone and go on dates and such. It was making me uncomfortable. She even asked me why I was so uncomfortable and completely against the idea of dating.

I'm gray romantic and I am also asexual. My mother believes that my best friend (24F; not the same friend from this evening) influenced me into having these beliefs where I don't want to date anyone. I've always struggled with having crushes on people. In high school, I occasionally tried forcing myself to have a crush on someone, but it never worked out. I've only had 2 crushes in my life (one of them being my ex) but they kinda went away quickly.

As for not wanting children, I've decided that when I was 13...a few years before meeting my best friend. I've also discovered I was asexual of my own accord before my best friend also discovered she was ace as well. She also told me how my friends could eventually leave me behind because they have SOs and I don't. I'm honestly still upset that she could tell I wasn't comfortable and still kept going asking why I was so uncomfortable on the matter.

Idk if I'm overreacting or not, but I'm just upset that my mom feels she should lecture me on my pretty much nonexistent love life. I've come to terms that I can be single my whole life and I'm ok with that if that happens...but I hate that I feel I'm being pushed to date someone and pressured to as well. She's brought up comments before, but never actually lectured me on trying to find someone to date. I've already tried pushing myself to have crushes in the past and now there's this.