What Happened to PFC Patryck Juezan (82nd)?

There was a woman walking around wearing a photo of her son, PFC Patryck Juezan, on a necklace.

Apparently, he died 2-3 years ago and the Army won’t release any information on how he died and this woman was devastated. She said she’s been looking for info and she can’t get any. Did anyone know him and what happened to him?

She claimed he was “Special Forces” but it looks like he was 82nd Airborne. I don’t know if he was heading to SFAS, or if the mom mistakenly thought he was Special Forces, or what. My first thought was that Rolling Stone article about the Army murders in North Carolina, but maybe I’m just running wild with my theories. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

There was a woman walking around wearing a photo of her son, PFC Patryck Juezan, on a necklace.

Apparently, he died 2-3 years ago and the Army won’t release any information on how he died and this woman was devastated. She said she’s been looking for info and she can’t get any. Did anyone know him and what happened to him?

She claimed he was “Special Forces” but it looks like he was 82nd Airborne. I don’t know if he was heading to SFAS, or if the mom mistakenly thought he was Special Forces, or what. My first thought was that Rolling Stone article about the Army murders in North Carolina, but maybe I’m just running wild with my theories. Any help would be greatly appreciated.