and Wendy and Agnes WIN!!!
This was my second attempt with Wendy and Agnes in The Gathering. I drew good hand. Wendy go Leo Deluca in the opening hand. The extra phases helped a lot. When they entered the hallway, Agnes went to the attic and Wendy went to the cellar. Alone they each encountered and defeated a minor ghoul. Agnes got 4 clues from the attic, and wendy got the 2 from the cellar as a consolation prize as an effect from something. Back in the hallway they advanced the agenda at the end of the round. Lita spawned in the parlor and Ghoul Priest spawned in the hallway and engaged Agnes. Wendy engaged GP, evaded it, moved into the parlor, and successfully parleyed Lita Chandler. Agnes moved into the parlor, drew and played Shrivelling. GP was unable to follow them into the parlor because it was exhausted. After it recovered Agnes and Wendy had a full round to get more cards on the table. GP moved into the parlor and engaged Agnes again. Wendy engaged GP, and managed a hit giving it 3 damage, and evaded it again. Agnes successfully used Shrivelling on it 3 times killing it!!
All 3 decks and the chaos tokens just seemed to be on my side. I didn't make every skill test but nearly. No autofail token drawn. Zero was my most frequent pull. This felt like a Luck + Luck + Luck play. So much fun.