[S2 Act 2 Spoilers] I really wish I could have enjoyed this character
I haven't watched Act 3 yet but I just wanted to give my thoughts on the series so far.
I really wish I could just turn my brain off and enjoy Isha as a character, but she just didn't work for me, and I wish it did because it sucks when I'm watching a clearly emotional moment and feel nothing from it. I've seen the general consensus on her character is positive, so I don't even know if it's just a me thing or a writing thing. I don't know which I'd prefer to be honest, my own fault that I'm not enjoying the show or the quality of writing dipping.
I looked back at season one to see what was so different from then to now, and I think I know what my problem is. Isha's character isn't much at all. We don't know anything about her, and it simply isn't enough for me that her character trait is that she cares about Jinx and is a younger sister figure to her. In these 6 episodes, she's. I think if she was characterized more in Act 1, I wouldn't have any issues with her in act 2.
I was originally going to compare her to Vi/powder in Act 1, but I think Vander is more appropriate to emphasize my point. We actually don't learn much about Vander in the 3 episodes he is in, but in those three episodes we know his motivations/why these are his motivations, his connections to the main cast, and pieces of his backstory. Everything builds up to an emotional finale. With Isha, I didn't get any of that.
I also don't like using this term much but she does feel like a plot device to move the story in a certain way. Her actions don't necessarily feel realistic, (ie. chill with seeing people killed, protecting jinx) because I don't know why she is that way. I can infer it, but that would just be headcanon.
It doesn't help that there are already so many characters to focus on combined with the 9 episode restraint that I feel that time could have been spent elsewhere. If Arcane did what I wished and made it a twelve episode season, maybe they would have more time to characterize her for me. (Why was she being chased, what life she lived that leads her to choose to follow jinx, etc.)
tdlr: i'm bummed out that Isha's emotional scenes didn't resonate with me because I feel the time allotted to her was not used in an efficient manner