Psychiatris prescriped my friend Sulpiride and I have my doubts


Yesterday my friend went for her first vistit to psychiatrist, suspecting HPD in herself. The visit went bad cuz doc ignored all of her talk and suspections and labeled them as mid axienty (even tho she doesn't have one as a core but more as a result of schemas from personality disorder).

She was never on any type of SSRI or SNRI and doc prescriped her sulpride (which would be the closest to Risperdal as chatgpt is telling me). His reasoning behind this was to "make her active" even tho she doesn't have problem with work etc, she only have problem with her free time due to problems with wanting instant gratification and wanting someone to lift her up and cheer her (and this is not due to axienty but rather to be noticed and prised).

And I have my doubts about this. Also I have doubts cuz she is obese and struggle with weight (and from what I've heard this med can mess with ur hunger level as well as with ur prolactin). Also giving someone straight to sulpiride even tho not even the most basic SSRI meds were tested for her is big red flag for me (and from what I know the first line medication always is some most basic ssri).

What do you guys think? Should she even try to take those meds or go straight to get second opinion? What are your expirences with this med?