Need Amex for a tier2 city dweller

I come from a tier2 city where amex doesnt provide any service. I do have an address in a tier1 metro city but my aadhar card doesnot have it as permanent address. I want to apply for the platinum travel credit card. My main bank is with axis and I m getting both the atlas and magnus pre-approved but I still want the amex since it has no limits like atlas. My ITR is around 40lakhs and my expenses r like 6-7lakhs a year. I m self employed and run a business.

I should have listened to the guys at the airports selling amex🥲. I never realised its potential until now.

Edit: I know they have paused issuing new cards now but this post is for the after they resume. By limits like atlas I mean the limitations and exclusions by atlas. Also for the atlas to make sense u have to spend 7.5lakh which is beyond my spending needs while the 4lakh on the amex is the sweet spot