Why Ultralisks Underperform as a Tier 3 Unit

Edit after discussing I was thinking about this more. Instead of a healing mechanic, or transport morph which doesn’t fit Ultralisks’ swarm-and-remax playstyle, here are two late-game options to enhance their utility:

1.  Manual Rage Ability: 

At 50% health, activate a 10% attack and movement speed boost for 5 seconds.

At 25% health, it becomes a 25% boost for 10 seconds.

Both share a 30-second cooldown, adding skill and timing to their use without overpowering them.

2.  Morph Mechanic “Linglisks”: For 200 minerals and 200 gas, an Ultralisk could split into 4 smaller units (125 HP, biological tag, max 5 armor) with crackling-level damage and AoE attacks. The morph takes 12 seconds, offering flexibility in transitioning to a swarmier late-game composition. They would now be susceptible to AoE damage but 1 Snipe or a few immortal shots won’t take them out. 

The suggestion is to implement either the rage ability or the morph—not both—depending on which better aligns with the Zerg playstyle. Both suggestions are micro dependent and are modest boosts in damage. For example Bio Terran gets an abusable stem 50% boost to attack and movement speed from almost the start of the game.

Original post.

Ultralisks are iconic units, but they often fail to deliver the impact expected of a Tier 3 Zerg unit. When compared to lower-tier units like roaches, they struggle to justify their high cost, supply, and lack of utility. Below is an analysis of why they underperform and some potential changes to improve their viability.

  1. Poor Supply Efficiency

At 6 supply, ultralisks don’t offer the value expected compared to lower-tier units:

• Health Comparison:

• Ultralisks: 500 HP

• 3 Roaches (6 supply): 435 HP combined

• Damage Resistance (Immortal Example):

• Immortals deal 50 (+3) damage per shot to armored units.

• Against 1 Ultralisk (500 HP, max 7 armor): It takes 10 shots to kill.

• Against 3 Roaches (435 HP total, max 4 armor): It takes 9 shots to kill if they aren’t microed.

This small durability advantage for the ultralisk does not outweigh its higher cost and lack of flexibility:

• Cost Comparison:

• Ultralisks: 300 minerals, 200 gas

• 3 Roaches: 225 minerals, 75 gas

• Flexibility: Although Roaches are garbage late game units they can burrow for healing, be mass-produced, and spread out to harass. Ultralisks are slow to produce, bulky low range units that are vulnerable to kiting and high burst damage.

  1. Healing Challenges

Unlike most Zerg units, ultralisks lack an effective way to sustain damage during or after battle.

• Natural Regeneration: Ultralisks regenerate 0.273 HP/second, meaning it takes 27 minutes to fully heal 450 HP.

• With Queens (Transfuse):

• Queens heal 75 HP instantly and 50 HP over 7 seconds, but the over-time healing does not stack.

• It would take 4 transfuses (from 1 full-energy queens per ultralisk) and 21 seconds of perfect timing to heal a critically damaged ultralisk.

Other units have superior healing mechanics:

• Roaches: Heal 7 HP/second while burrowed.

• Mutalisks: Naturally regenerate 1.4 HP quickly out of combat.

• Zerglings: With 12 they collectively heal 3.3 HP/second (12 zerglings at 0.273 HP/sec each), they heal faster than an ultralisk, are more easily replaced, are much faster, and cost 0 gas.

Ultralisks, with their massive health pools, lack a cost-effective and efficient healing mechanic, often rendering them liabilities when damaged.

Suggestions for Improvement

Idea 1: Stackable Transfuse for Ultralisks

Allow queens’ transfuse ability to stack on ultralisks, similar to how spawn larvae stacks on hatcheries.

• Option A: Full Stacking: Ultralisks could absorb multiple transfusions at once, allowing 4 or more transfuses (4= 300 instant health and 200 hp over 28 seconds = 525 health) to fully heal them.

• Option B: Limited Stacking: Allow up to 2-3 transfuses to stack, providing 225 instant health and 150 health over 21 seconds.

• Why It Works: This situational buff rewards heavy queen energy investment and prevents severely damaged ultralisks from feeling like wasted supply.

Idea 2: Passive Regeneration Buff

Give ultralisks a passive regeneration buff, scaling it to provide sustainability without being overpowered.

• Example Rate: 1.6 HP/second (half of the natural regeneration rate of 12 zerglings). This would still take 4.6 minutes to heal 450 hp.

• Option A: Always Active: This would offer steady healing over time but allow a the ultra to potentially tank a few more shots.

• Option B: Out-of-Combat Regeneration: Activate the buff only when the ultralisk hasn’t attacked or been attacked for a certain duration (e.g., 5 seconds similar to mutalisk).

• Why It Works: This provides a straightforward way to improve ultralisk survivability without requiring micromanagement or external resources.

Idea 3: Burrow Healing for Ultralisks

Introduce a Hive tech upgrade that lets ultralisks heal passively while burrowed, similar to roaches.

• Healing Rate: 7 HP/second while burrowed.

• Impact: This would reduce healing time for a 450-HP ultralisk from 27 minutes to just 64 seconds.

• Why It Works: Adds much-needed sustainability without affecting combat performance besides intra battle burrowing.

Idea 4: Transport Morph (“Bunkerlisk”)

Allow ultralisks to morph into a transport unit at Hive tech.

• Functionality:

• Gains 8 cargo space, enabling ranged units (hydralisks, roaches, ravagers, or queens) to fire from within while moving.

• Riders survive: If the ultralisk dies, units are ejected (like a Terran bunker).

• Cost: 550 minerals, 500 gas (ultralisk + morph cost which is more than a mothership).

• Morph Time: 18-24 seconds, with the ultralisk emerging fully healed.

• Why It Works: Adds utility and a new way to break fortified positions or handle Sky Toss compositions.

Ability 1: Siege Mode for Transport Ultralisk

Give the transport ultralisk a temporary siege mode. Effects while active for 5 seconds.

• ultralisk movement is slowed by 50%

• Gains +2 armor and +50 health over 5 seconds (roughly 1 immortal shot)

• Riders’ Range Boost: Adds +2 range for riders (hydralisks reach 8, comparable to un upgraded lurkers).

• Ultralisk Attack: Retains its normal attack with +1 range (total 2 range) while in siege mode.

• Cooldown: 30 seconds, similar to caustic spray.

• Why It Works: Provides a durable Zerg AA / range attack to counter to skytoss and turtling strategies, and protects ranged units from AoE attacks.


Ultralisks underperform due to poor supply efficiency, lack of effective healing options, and limited utility. By addressing these issues with stackable transfuse, passive regeneration, burrow healing, transport mechanics, and situational abilities, ultralisks could become a more versatile and impactful late-game unit.

What do you think? Would these changes make ultralisks a staple in late-game Zerg compositions? Let’s discuss!