List of resources for A-level Further Mathematics

Hi everyone !

Last year, I took up the challenge to self-learn A-level Further Mathematics and in the process I came across a lot of interesting free high-quality online resources which I wanted to share.

The resources listed below were originally part of my blog post but I decided to share it here for greater visibility. I still recommend checking the blog post for the latest updates.

I am not affiliated in any way with the resources mentioned below and the order in which the resources appear is arbitrary.


Resource Description
Oxford Further Pure Mathematics A free ebook provided by PapaCambridge.
OpenStax Peer-reviewed, openly licensed and 100% free books.
Libretext Online textbook platform
Multivariable Calculus By James Stewart Not catered for A-level syllabus but some chapters (Polar coordinates, vectors, differential equations) are worth a read.


Practicing similar questions from past papers over and over again leads to diminishing returns. Here are websites where you can find non-routine questions ranging in difficulty :

Resource Description
Madamaths Great range of topical questions.
Isaac Physics Online learning platform created by Cambridge itself. Questions are based on past papers and are arranged by topic. Hints are offered for each question.
Underground Mathematics A database of questions, some dating from the 1950s, across multiple exam boards past papers. Hints and step-by-step explanations are offered for each question.
Maths and Physics Tutor Topical questions along with their solutions.
Dr Oliver Maths Topical questions along with their solutions.
Dr Frost Maths Online learning platform with worksheets from a range of examination boards.
Pre-2010 Cambridge A-level Maths (9709) M2 past papers (Paper 52)/) Questions in these past papers are relevant to Cambridge A-level Further Mechanics.
mathedup Topical questions along with their solutions.
STEP papers Admission test past papers with quite challenging questions. The difficulty level is way above the Cambridge past papers questions but the questions are still worth a shot if you want to test your understanding of Further Maths.
mathdistinction Challenging questions for A-level Maths with some questions relevant to A-level Further Maths.


Resource Description
Cambridge AS & A Level Further Mathematics Full book I used this book extensively for mechanics and statistics. It covered my Further Maths syllabus (9231) entirely.
Kinematics Fundamental by Sunil Kumar Openstax book which I used to practice the projectile motion chapter in Further Mechanics. It has notes and questions different from the usual past paper questions. Solutions are available as well.
Cambridge A-Level Further Maths Scheme of Work/Other%20Resources/9231_y17-19_sw_01.pdf) Contains links to learning resources for each chapter.
Interactive Linear Algebra PDF by GaTech Highly recommend reading. You can easily skip the sub-chapters not relevant to the A-level syllabus.
STAT 415 Online notes by PennState Online repository for statistics notes and some sample questions. I personally used it to learn inference testing and non-parametric tests.
Kinematics Fundamental by Sunil Kumar Great notes, questions, and explanations on Kinematics. Some questions are quite challenging.
Paul's Online Notes University notes some of which are relevant to A-level Further Maths. Also has a practice problems section. I personally used the website to learn about the integral test.
Hyperbolic notes Notes from Calculus 1 book from OpenStax. Has good notes on roots of polynomial

All of my notes have also been published here. However, these notes are not meant to help you understand a topic deeply.

University lecture notes

You can easily find university lecture notes of prestigious universities for most topics by searching <chapter_name> university lecture notes pdf on Google. Here are some of the lecture notes that I used :

Youtube videos

Resource Description
GenieusHub Further Pure playlist Topical tutorial videos for Cambridge A-level Further Pure.
TL maths Youtube playlists on A-level Further Pure maths.
Organic chemistry tutor statistic playlist Video explanations + walkthroughs on how to solve statistics questions.
3Blue1Brown Essence of Linear Algebra Videos to understand the geometry behind concepts like eigenvectors, matrices, ...
Crash Course for statistics Some helpful statistics videos to understand normal distributions and Chi-Squared tests.
blackpenredpen Videos on integrations, polar curve sketching, differential equations, and much more.
Tom Rock Maths Videos on linear algebra and differential equations.
MIT OpenCourseWare Their maths and physics courses are the most relevant for FM. Example :differential equations video. Lecture notes and questions are available on their website.


Getting stuck on a question or not understanding a chapter can be frustrating especially when you are self-learning. Here are some places to find help :

Resource Description
Cambridge Examiners Report/) If you are stuck on a question from a Cambridge paper, the examiner's report can be of great help. It points out the common mistakes students are making on each question and occasionally contains explanations. Examiners' reports have the _er tag in their names. For example 9231_w20_er.pdf/2020/9231_w20_er.pdf).
Math Exchange Question-answer forum for maths questions. Use it for questions on Pure mathematics.
Physics Exchange Question-answer forum for maths questions. Use it for questions on Mechanics.
Cross Validated Question-answer forum for statistics questions. Use it for questions on statistics.
physicsforums Consult the threads on maths and physics.
r/furthermaths, r/alevel These subreddits are used by A-level students who might be able to help you.
studentroom studentroom has some study help forums that are worth mentioning even though I've never used them.

Some of the above forums have a strict etiquette for posting questions. To increase the chances of someone helping you, you must ask a good question in the right place. Read here and here on how to ask a good question.


Resource Description
Wolfram Alpha Advanced online calculator that can be used for integration, differentiation, calculating area under curve, solving polynomial and differential equations, and much more.
Desmos 2D graphing calculator. Extremely helpful for polar curve sketching and transformations in Pure.
Geogebra matrix transformations Extremely helpful for transformations in Pure.
Geogebra 3D calculator Can be used as a visualisation tool for vectors, planes, and matrices.
Integration calculator Step-by-step explanation on how to integrate an expression.
Derivative calculator Step-by-step explanation on how to differentiate an expression.

Other resources

Resource Description
OCR Further Maths blog Other helpful resources for self-learning FM.
Advice for FM A youtube video where Ray Amjad gives some tips for learning FM. I remember watching this video just before starting to learn FM.

Let me know if there are any dead links or mistakes in my post. Feel free to expand this list of resources in the comments.