A close friend of mine left today.
The news was so sudden to me. I got the news at 7 am from a mutual friend saying she isn't here anymore.
We origianlly met through playing Valorant and other games and bonded through that and sharing study materials. Her family was not well off and she took a massive loan to register, now that she got 2 U's and a C, it was the end of the world for her, studying and being a dilligent student was all she had going for her.
She sent me a dm on discord at 12 am, I already went to sleep by then for my own sadness of failing all 3 subjects (E, E, U) I sat for and wanted the day to be over with.
It's morning now I am still in a state of shock.
This message is to everyone who is thinking of such negative thoughts,
Please don't do it.
Call a friend, tell them about it, hug them. Don't do it.
Me and her had a distance of 2000 miles, so even though I realize I couldn't have stopped it, not responding to that message she sent to me still makes me feel guilty.
I hate this.I hate this.I hate this.I hate this.I hate this.I hate this.I hate this.I hate this.I hate this.I hate this.I hate this.