Ice King is thick only because of his beard ! ( stay with me)
The alleged " bubble butt" king only appears thick because he tucks in a portion of his beard (reference to the photo grid). Ice King is still human so this doesn't make him exempt from the cold. His beard helps him stay warm majority of the time so he tucks it in, using it as a form of insulation. This is why when we see him without his royal blue robe his ribs are extremely visible. But with it on, it looks like he has a beer belly when in fact it's just a beard belly. ( Also if you struggle with body image please know you are precious and loved there's no need to starve or overfeed yourselves. Never feel ashamed of asking for help <3)
The alleged " bubble butt" king only appears thick because he tucks in a portion of his beard (reference to the photo grid). Ice King is still human so this doesn't make him exempt from the cold. His beard helps him stay warm majority of the time so he tucks it in, using it as a form of insulation. This is why when we see him without his royal blue robe his ribs are extremely visible. But with it on, it looks like he has a beer belly when in fact it's just a beard belly. ( Also if you struggle with body image please know you are precious and loved there's no need to starve or overfeed yourselves. Never feel ashamed of asking for help <3)