Strap Fatigue

Tops of r/actuallesbians, I need your help! My wife likes getting strapped… a lot. Which is great! Except my body hates me for it. After multiple days of intense strap sessions I’m ridiculously sore on my pubic bone area (I’m chunky so it’s not because it’s bony or anything.) She tried to give me a break by doing some cowgirl but she was grinding on it so much that the crease between my pubic area and stomach actually developed a small skin tear for the way it pulled at my skin while she was grinding back and forth. The girl is insatiable! Pros and cons I suppose. I’ve used toys by hand but she simply does not like it as much as when I’m strapped. I’m not into penetration so anything double sided won’t be a good option. We even got a swing to see if that helps with the pressure I’m delivering but so far so it isn’t too comfortable for her. Longer toys so far have just resulted in her being surprised by how much she can take and I still end up using the whole length so there is still impact with thrusts. Help!