Genuinely tired of lesbian dating

I’m a 22F and I’ve been single for almost a year. I’ve gone on maybe two dates since then but we weren’t compatible. I used to be very selective as far as physical attraction, but now I’m more focused on a woman’s values, goals, personality traits, etc. to determine compatibility. I have gone out of my preference range many times, so I’m definitely not being picky. I tried all the suggested dating apps and no luck. Women will either match with me and chat for a while then ghost, go on a date and then ghost, or just match with me and never message me, even when I send one first. I’m a great conversationalist. I know I have a lot of desirable qualities, but women don’t give me the time of day. I try flirting IRL and my luck is even worse. They just say thank you or give me their number and never reply later on. I have always been one to make advances first but I usually get rejected these days and it’s starting to make me feel awful about myself.

No one my age seems to want a relationship. Most of the profiles I come across say they’re “figuring out their relationship type/dating goals”. I’m strictly monogamous and have no interest in another situationship. Then there are women that say they want a relationship on the profile but then in person they tell me they’re not ready for commitment and then end up in a relationship a month later. I’ve joined many queer groups but they all have slowly stopped doing events. I go out to bars occasionally but women just stare at me and when I finally feel delusional enough to think they’re into me, I’m just flat out wrong.

How the hell do I get out of this cycle? Is this just what lesbian dating is like? Is it due to my age group? Do I need to accept this reality and give up or do I keep pushing through the rejection?

TL;DR: I’m frustrated with lesbian dating bc I’ve had no luck with it and I’m not sure what to do. I want a girlfriend but no one else seems to be on the same page or they’re just not that interested in me, despite going on dates or flirting.