look hispanic but am white
I have worked a decent bit in film and tv however I have noticed over the years I only get auditions for hispanic characters. I have dark hair, dark eyes, and tan olive skin. I am Sicillian/Italian mostly and like a sprinkle of middle eastern. I tried declining hispanic auditions but then I would just not get called in by those casting directors for years. I am thinking of changing my last name even though it is italian, it sounds hispanic. I am honestly at a loss for what to do as I can’t seem to find a place for me in the industry. It has gotten to the point where I still decline very hispanic stories but if I declined all of the auditions I would simply never work. The craziest thing is i’ve never seen a single call for a character with an italian last name. I know there are far worse problems to have but this is one that has really shaped my career and i’m not sure how to get past it. any advice?