Advice on getting finer lines?
Does anyone have any advice on how to get finer lines with acrylic paint? Whenever I paint the whiskers they always come out thicker than I want (mainly the ones on the right side in this painting). I try to dilute it with water so it’s not so thick but it only works half of the time and then they don’t show up as well. It also seems like no matter how small of a brush I use there’s still like too much paint on the brush or something? Not sure if it’s the brand of paint i’m using or if there’s some sort of medium i should be mixing with it. Any advice is appreciated, thank you!
Does anyone have any advice on how to get finer lines with acrylic paint? Whenever I paint the whiskers they always come out thicker than I want (mainly the ones on the right side in this painting). I try to dilute it with water so it’s not so thick but it only works half of the time and then they don’t show up as well. It also seems like no matter how small of a brush I use there’s still like too much paint on the brush or something? Not sure if it’s the brand of paint i’m using or if there’s some sort of medium i should be mixing with it. Any advice is appreciated, thank you!