Strange domestic violence book chapter
I'm studying criminology in university at the moment, and for an essay project I'm researching domestic violence. I came across a book titled 'Domestic and Family Violence' by Justin Healey which I started skimming through to see if it was relevant to what I need it for, and I came across a very strange strange section on domestic violence perpetuated by youth.
On page 24, the chapter begins as 'young people who use violence in the home'. It starts explaining various ways in which a young person could abuse and intimidate their family, which is all well and good. However, it posits a list of examples of abusive behaviour. This list includes: Swearing, threatening to leave the home, call child protection, viewing pornography online, "excessive" masturbation.
What's everyone's thoughts on this? Just thought it was a bizarre read, and they're certainly not things that I'd have considered forms of domestic violence.