Yoto at bedtime?

My almost 3 year old boy is staying up later and later Becuase he takes a whopper of a nap at daycare (on the weekends he skips his nap and goes right to bed). I’ve been thinking recently about giving him his Yoto to listen to independently until he’s ready to go to sleep and then we can tuck him in.

I tried it the other night and worried that it might keep him up because he was staring at the yoto picture/ screen and I took it away which obviously caused a meltdown… he didn’t go to sleep until after 10 😅

Do any of you use it for bedtime? Any tips?

EDIT- I’m also 7 months pregnant so I need to figure out a way to detach him from me at bedtime as he is very into mommy at bedtime. I’m hoping this may help him be more independent at bedtime so when baby 2 arrives he’s used to some alone time even if he’s not sleeping.