I reviewed XCX DE after 180 hours and 100% completion. AMA!

Hey guys, I’m Gene Park of the Washington Post, and I gave Xenoblade Chronicles X a perfect score after playing it for 180 hours with 100 percent Mira survey completion. Here is my review: https://wapo.st/3Y19qPx

I’m here to answer any questions about the whole game! I’m going to be careful about story spoilers after Chapter 12, but I can give my deeper impressions about it beyond what I say in my review.

I’d appreciate anyone who clicks on my review above! It should be a gift link so no paywall required. If you do hit a wall, I apologize in advance. Should you decide to make the leap and subscribe or just put in an email, you have my huge thanks in advance.

I’m probably going to be answering for about an hour, but I’ll come back later for anyone who missed the window for sure. Thanks all!

Edit: I’m gonna be logging off for a few hours but I’ll check back in for more questions! It’s 11 a.m. ET now. Thanks to the mods for allowing this!