The self-proclaimed "Nice Guy"
I’m sure you know him, or have at least met him.
He’s the guy who will testify to his niceness, to whoever will listen. He has a constant need for people to believe he’s nice and has created this persona, which sadly lacks any real authenticity. The guy who will make comments like “nice guys always finish last,” in disappointment and resignation. Seeking pity and likeminded men to nod their heads in unison, at how wronged they all are.
He will profess frustration at continually being “friend-zoned.” He spends his time working on being liked because he needs to be liked. Conflict avoidance is one of his strengths. He takes pride in his role of the “nice guy.”
And then he places himself smack, bang in the Karpman Drama Triangle as the perpetual victim. “Woe is me because nice guys never get the girl.”
Here’s the thing: it’s an act. A self-serving performance. He’s being nice as a strategic means to garner something from someone else.
If you have been dating you have have met these men, they are transactional, any niceness from women is interpreted as interest because they would never be nice to a woman they did not want to sleep with. These men befriend women and then cry about being "friend-zoned", this is a myth because these men have f**k-zoned women, they are manipulators and self-perceived victims of their own "niceness".
I talked with a man that decided to tell me that "nice guys" don't get laid, he was a transactional man. Any niceness had to equal sex to him, why else would he be nice? Women are not passing by men that have something to offer and improve their lives, they are leaving the dead weight to sink to the bottom of the dating swamp.
The "nice guys" are ushering in the male loneliness pandemic, women opting out and men crying about their wasted niceness. "What do women want?", exclaimed the man I wrote about above, he never listened to anything a woman said, he is out here, dating in the dead zone, screaming into the void he created. I have zero sympathy for men who attempt to manipulate women with strategic "niceness", may they forever be alone.