[Event: Part 2] You were Warned

As the army forms and amasses at the front of the pub, you can see a carpet fly over the army with two men on it. As they come closer you can recognize one of them as General Sigmund Von Heidrich and the other looks somewhat like Solomon, however he's wearing a uniform similar to Heidrich's. Heidrich flies to the front of the army, stands up, and turns toward them. His voice bellows over the landscape thunderously.

“Ve have given those here ample warning. Zis pub deserves no mercy!”

He pauses, grinning menacingly.

“Show them what I have taught you.”

He turns back to the pub.

“Now, may you die under our boots, you miserable insects!”

He snaps his fingers. The entire army turns and forms two blocks, creating a large path, from which several Stone Giants fully-fledged in plate armor emerge. Heidrich snaps his fingers once again, the army unsheathes their weapons and begins their attack. The stone Giants tear out nearby trees and throw them at the pub, smashing through its walls as if they were paper. Oceans of soldiers encroach on those who are still there to defend the pub, ready to kill without hesitation.

As the armies charge the lead drow Cleric throws the driver of her Zord out and hops in, the other drow leaders following suit. As they boot up they come closer together and begin combining, parts of the mechs creating opening for the other and combining in a near seamless fashion to create a giant, robotic Lolth, tall enough to be on the level of the cloud castle, the leader’s Zord forming the head and torso.

“This castle shall be the first sacrifice to our reign and our goddess! May Lolth reign supreme!”

Her commanding voice booms out from the mech as it grips the cloud castle with one hand and punches a hole clean through the bottom of it with the other. It triumphantly holds the broken and crumbling cloud castle in the air, eliciting a cheer from the drow army as they charge forward to assist in the pub’s destruction. The pub’s turret fires at the Zord in vain, the bullets piercing its metallic exoskeleton, but causing no serious damage. A yell from the lead drow erupts from the head of the Zord.


As the troops charge forward the giant mech then rears back and slams the cloud castle into the remains of the pub, leveling both buildings and sending out a shockwave of earth and wind from the force of the strike in one fell swoop. As the smoke clears a crater can be seen where the pub once was with bits of furniture, wood, hard clouds, and other furnishings scattered about in shattered pieces.

The Arcanamech lay broken and beaten on the floor, clearly unusable with barely any functioning parts left. Thrak and the Employees glow as a spell shatters around them, showing a Death Ward breaking off of them, just barely keeping them alive. Anybody in the pub or the castle as this happens below 100 health is unconscious, everyone else please take 100 damage. No casualties, yet. The armies are charging forward, will you attempt to stand and fight yet again or run?