[Event] 24 hours and counting...

Sol watches the gathered people in the castle, looking at the new faces and the old friends. He closes his one eye as if in thought, then stands and walks to the stage.

"If I could have your attention please." He says. "We should probably talk about our impending doom."

"I'm not going to sugar coat this, by definition, we are fucked. They have superior numbers, a lot longer to plan, mechs, giant birds and gods know what else."

"But, I left my dictionary in my other coat, so the definition can go fuck itself."

He smiles at the patrons. "They have the upper hand in almost every way except one... they already think they have won. This will make them cocky, reckless. They will take unnecessary risks. So here is what we are going to do."

"We are going to plan, we are going to prepare and we will wait for them to make the first move. We will be on the back foot for probably all of this fight, but that's okay, I'm sure all of us have at one point or another found ourselves in that position. But we pull through."

"But we will need a plan. And for that I will need to assemble some leaders. I want you all to split each other into these groups, archers, magic users, healers and combat. If you find yourself in two or more of those categories, you can always come and talk to me or Hegar about where you should go."

"Once you have found your group, I need you to nominate a leader. This has to be someone competent, someone experienced, not necessarily the most powerful but someone you believe that you can trust. If you think it is yourself, prove it. If you really want make three or four of you the leader I don't give a fuck just give me people who can help with making a strategy."

"Once you're done deciding that, every group needs to get back down into the pub and defend it. We don't know what those fucks are going to do. I also want some archers to remain up here to keep on look out."

"We have 24 hours and counting people.... chop chop." He stares at everyone, waiting for them to start going.