[Event] Die Soldaten

A human man in a black military uniform enters the pub, he's followed by a moon elf and a halfing in similar uniforms. He looks to be in his mid-30s with fair skin, blonde hair, and striking blue eyes. His uniform consists of a black trenchcoat with a red band on the left bicep, a peaked cap with a silver phoenix on its front, and black slacks. He moves to the center of the pub and begins speaking. Two flags of a similar red materialize behind him.

"Grüße an euch alle, I am General Siegmund Von Heidrich. I have come here to inform you of ze scourge zat has plagued your lives, die Zwerge, or as you call zem, Dwarves. Zeir greed knows no bounds, zeir forges create filthy veapons of pig iron, zen they sell zem to you at 3 times ze normal cost! Many believe zat they give you quality vares, but ve are here to inform you zat, it is a filthy lie! Die Zwerge are a scourge that need to be controlled!"