[rant] Guy keeps commenting on how I play :(

So my friend and I just started playing Warhammer 40k at my local shop (we are now 3 weeks in!) and we usually play Combat Patrol as we wanna ease into the game without being overwhelmed with rules and missions (we just started on 40k Incursion today!) And I absolute LOVE playing it! Just one problem 🙃

There's this dude, with the most blank face, starts commenting and questioning our decisions whenever we decide on a certain move (whether it is moving, using a strategem, or even deciding who to charge). He doesn't say it in curiousity, he says it in the most "complacent" way possible as if he's saying "why the fuck would you do that". It's annoying and it's really bursting my short fuse and I really really wanna say something but I feel like I can't because I'm just a beginner.

I was playing a 40k game for the first time and he was there, again. And like always, he started to comment and question, but there was one question that really really made me fume and it was "Huh? You guys are still shooting? So slow". MY BROTHER IN CHRIST GIVE ME A BREAK I JUST STARTED, I DONT CARE IF YOU WON/LOST SO MANY OTHER TOURNAMENTS FOR THE PAST 3 YEARS, I DONT KNOW SHIT?

If anyone has experienced this kind of person, please please give me some advice. Should I move to another store despite really loving the local store (and their community) that I usually play/paint at? I know I should just be ignoring him but his comments is really bringing my morale down :/