Transference into the Maw Warframe

Ok, saw this all over the place, cuz I was having trouble with it... so here ya go... it says, use ability to knock it out, if it's knocked out, it's not moving, if it's moving, it's not knocked out... SO, what do you do with the invalid target? you make it valid... so go back to original safe point where you got the call to knock it out, that's the key, wait till maw moves away from you and then, start the process over... my process, first stun the maw, then IMMEDIATELY turn 180 degrees and hit 5 aiming in its general direction... you don't have to be that close to it either, but I got to the point of landing right on it with the void distance and then transferring... you have maybe 2 seconds and it'll get back up... if it gets up and it isn't you driving it, repeat... hope this calms some nerves...