Fitting 4 parks in 3.5 days?

I am planning a trip in June for 7 of us (3 adults and 4 kids ages 7, 8, 9 and 14). We are staying in a villa at Old Key West, arriving Wednesday afternoon and leaving early Sunday morning.

I haven’t been to the parks for almost 20 years back when I was a College Program Cast Member, so I know a lot has changed and what I used to enjoy might be different than how the kids will want to spend their time. If it were just me I’d spend all day and night in the parks and would make sure I see and do every single thing, but I’m not sure the kids can handle that.

Unfortunately it’s a pretty short trip, but I really want to visit all 4 parks if at possible and will be getting Park Hopper tickets, have done some research and plan on buying Lightning Lanes, etc.

Do you all have any advice on how to make the most of our time in terms of which parks to visit when within that 3.5 days? I have to make dining reservations soon and want to work around where we’ll be when, but feel very overwhelmed and not sure what makes the most sense.

Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thank you!