$WEPE is a scam. Technical detail inside.
I am just a tech guy that familiar with blockchain.
Their telegram admin has banned me for telling the truth, so I decided to post here.
Blockchain don't lies, have a look of those on-chain data.
Their "Whitepaper": https://wallstreetpepe.com/assets/documents/WEPE%20Whitepaper.pdf
Lie 1: Token is oversold
It's a well-known fact since the last two week of presale, and dev team won't admit it
While all on-chain data and presale analysis told the same thing.
Proof: https://etherscan.io/address/0x9a15bb3a8fec8d0d810691bafe36f6e5d42360f7#readProxyContract
You will see totalTokensSold = 199455207607
They sold 100% of available tokens, while only 146B are meant to be sold as stated in whitepaper
Lie 2: Liquidity Pool Size
They promised 15% of token (30B) are for Liquidity Pool, while only 5B (2.5%) were provided
This explains why the price dump so fast with little sell
It's clearly visible here, locking the liquidity alone won't help
Lie 3: Token buy back while claiming (Pump & Dump)
They use an address funded by the sale contract to buy back token when everybody panic sell,
then transfer back to the pre-sale contract for claiming,
because they have oversold and not enough token for claiming,
and also to create illusions that some whales are buying big.
No, there are almost no real big buyers rather than the devs pumping.
Pumper address: 0xb29ddf6f321eb66633cee566daeb7ed0b27fe523
Jump thru "Funded By" two time and you will find it's funded by the Sale contract address:
Sale contract address: 0x9a15bB3a8FEc8d0d810691BAFE36f6e5d42360F7
Token Transfer back to Sale Contract:
$WEPE is clearly a scam. You have been warned.
Good luck everybody.