I need encouragement to leave my abusive girlfriend

I’ve been in a relationship with a girl for almost a year and a half. She wanted me for a long time, but I didn’t like her and was still with my ex, which still weighs on me because she says that if she acted badly, it was because she had resentment, and I should have been with her right away. The first month was truly amazing, and I thought I had never loved so much. In the following months, she started complaining about my way of being, accusing me of being the cause of her mental health issues, humiliating me in front of her family and in a square in front of everyone. She was angry because I greeted some friends at my grandfather’s funeral and had neglected her. She brought me destroyed gifts and decapitated stuffed animals, distanced me from my best friend, left me countless times, hit my weak points, and made me feel guilty about loving my pets, etc. Then, I don’t know why, after a while, I started feeling resentful too and began responding rudely as well. I feel completely drained. I used to have many hobbies, but now I can’t do anything except schoolwork I have to do. Throughout the whole relationship, we spent more days arguing than anything else. Now she’s suggested a long break because she cares about me and wants to start fresh. Despite everything, she has done some nice things for me, and I felt they were genuine, but often she hurt me a lot. I still can’t let her go... I feel worse when she leaves me and then I beg her. (Or she returns) Has anyone had similar experiences?