voli build i made which is actually good, give this post a watch i promise im not wasting your time

I'm gonna make this quick since going in depth in a reddit post makes people not wanna watch it:
Navori Flickerblades
Randuin's Omen
Wit's End (this is the MAIN change from the typical build but it changes a LOT)
Jak'Sho, the protean
Mercury's Treads
Lethal tempo with sorcery; Gathering storm, Transcendence/Celerity

Why? The main selling point of this build is that with tenacity potion, on full build, you have 58% tenacity.
Stats: 280 armor (all you really need unless they have like 4ad), 220 MR, 4000 hp, gathering storm to provide extra damage just in case, Also lethal tempo will scale quite nicely with wit's end, allowing you to do lots of damage.

I know it looks very straight forward, but i just want this build to be given a chance, i have 450 volibear games this season because he's all i play, and i can tell that this build is above all others

Prominent example of this build! (We lost this game. Thanks team!). Also, this game was played as i was writing this post.

Here's my op.gg, just to prove that im not pulling those games out of my ass on times where i have just been up 234809 gold on lane. If anything, i wasnt up that much yet once you get wit's end the damage gets serious.