I deserve GOOD FRIENDS!!!

Am I perfect? No but I surely can't be soo bad to the point where I can't find anyone that likes hanging out with me for ME!!

I'm tired of those people that text to me only to vent or yap about something going on with them and Id also like someone that texts me instead of making me constantly start conversations

Im sure I'm not asking for alot but man does it feel lonely being like this . Knowing that people do talk to you but non of them talk to you "for" you but rather for what you can offer.

At teg very least I wish people would just tell me that they don't wanna talk to me or tell me that I'm annoying cus I hate constantly seeing them change around me only for them to say that " everything is fine" or that " this is just me " even though I know for a FACT that it's false

I deserve to be treated with respect