[Discussion] Zoroarks contribution by just existing
Zoroark was always one of my favorite pokemon just because of his ability and the potential mindgames it brings so when I found out that he returned with Swsh I immediately started to think about possible teams where he would fit in.
And then it hit me: how much effect does Zoroark have for just existing in a team if you play vs psychic mons?
Example: you play a Gengar vs their Hatterene. Usually the hat could easily just ohko the gengar with a psychic move BUT since there is a possibility for it to actually be Zoroark then using a psychic move would completely waste that turn, however a fairy move wont ohko the gengar which probably results in a dead hatt. So even if you dont even Plan on ever using zoroark, just by putting it in your team your opponent will always struggle when He brings a psychic lead.
Or am I missing something here or completely overrate a very niche scenario?
Also what would good partners for zoroark even be besides most poison mons? Im thinking put him alongside a whimsicott justified-beat-up strat but then bring nasty plot on Zoro and fake tears on whimsi for basically the same effect on t2