Eco101 prof says join tutorial...but how? Halp

So a certain eco professor’s mail stated that I would be able to sign up for tutorials now. This made sense since I couldn’t see them in the actual enrol thingy in Acorn. But now that I went looking for the place I can’t see it. So where do I sign up for the tutorial? Any ECO peeps with ample experience or any ECO peers with considerable insight, I beg you for help. ( yes the guy didn’t mention where in his mail)

The mail extract:

[Tutorial signup starts at 7PM ET today (Friday). As this is something we need to manually initiate, it might start a few minutes early. Or a few minutes late.

Once you have signed up for a tutorial, please access your tutorial's group page by clicking the goups icon ( ) on the left. On your group's page, there is an Announcement section for your group. There is a welcome anno....]