You broke me

I feel like you just got bored of me. I worked so hard to build up your confidence and the moment you had it you threw me away. You never really cared about me the way you said. You didn't care enough to fight for me because you already got everything you needed from me. All i ever did for you was build you up and fight to make you happy. But when things got a little hard you treated me like crap and then left me at my lowest. You say you loved me but if that's what you call love i don't want it. You act like you didn't do anything wrong besides change what you want but you did. You let me believe you were there for me. You let me fall for your lies. You broke me down until i couldn't give you anymore. You were so selfish, I don't know why i couldn't see it then but i see it now. You never wanted me for who i was. You wanted the confidence i gave you, the comfort i provided, and the feeling of being loved by someone who loves unconditionally. You won't ever find someone that is loyal I am. You think the small things are what's important but you're wrong. When you finally realize what you lost you will search the rest of your life for it. I hope you find your happiness but I'm not going to be a part of that anymore.