Did the webtoon ever cover the Trojan War?
I dropped the webtoon sometime after Chronos getting sealed away again. I do remember that Achilles had been born by the time I dropped it, as I saw Minthe's friend with Achilles on a leash.
But the reason why I'm asking this is related to Athena. One of the whole reasons why the war started is because Athena, Hera and Aphrodite were fighting over who's more beautiful. Athena also offers Paris to make him the wisest and most skilled man in war.
Aphrodite, I can see her arguing over this. Hell, I'd be more surprised if she didn't, since she's the reason why Hades and Persephone met in the first place. Hera too, depending on her mood. But from what we've seen about Athena, I feel like it'd be pretty out of character for her to start a war over who's more attractive.