I wonder if we´ll see 6160 Liz Allan again

I want to see her in Ultimate Spider-Man and to learn more about her and Peter´s past friendship or relationship. Tbh I kinda expected that she would have been married to Harry instead of Gwen.

She was with him when Maker stopped the spider from biting him, so I wonder what their relationship was like and to see what she´s doing now.

I´d also like to know how Peter and Mary Jane met and fell in love in this universe.

And this is slightly off topic, but this scene sugests that Peter has an inclination for science (like in 616 or 1610) that we haven´t really seen portrayed in the 6160 Ultimate Spider-Man run.

I wonder if we´ll see more of that in the future or if they decided not to empasize his love for science as much to deferientiate their take and to focus on the parenthood angle.
