Update on liver issues that I posted previously about.
After more specialized blood tests I found out I have Lupus with my colitis. The slightly off levels of my liver was what caused my doctor to test me for everything and thank God he did.
I remember someone saying my liver levels were not bad and blah blah BUT if I was dismissed like in that comment, I would have never been diagnosed and this wouldn’t have been caught. Not trying to blast anyone, but that is one of the reasons things go overlooked. It’s not THAT bad is what medical professionals always think it seems. So they ignore it. My doctor did though and he found a lot more information in those blood tests.
Tomorrow I go in for an ultrasound on my liver, kidneys, and bladder to see how bad the inflammation is. I’ve been in pain in my right side and lower back for days now and I have to take Ritalin just to keep me awake. The fatigue is like I’m drugged. It’s crazy.