Busy Busy Busy

I’m an RCA and the main carrier on the route I work is out for surgery. We just hired 3 new RCA’s and 2 new CCA’s, but I’m still working 7 days a week. I will be working Monday all the way to the following Wednesday then I have 2 days off for this event I put in for over a month and a half ago. Then I’m going to be working every single day for the foreseeable future. 10 total days without a break.

How many days can you work in a row without a day off? I even asked my boss why I’m working Sunday and I told them it would be 10 days straight and they didn’t even bat an eye.

This is the reason I don’t know if I want to do this as a career choice. Granted the PO has some great perks that other jobs do not have.

I’m just a little overwhelmed that I will be getting absolutely exhausted for the next however many months till the main carrier comes back.

Any advice?