It can happen to you.
EDIT: I've had a bit of time to cool down after work and moderate myself. I've edited some of my more inflammatory comments, but I want to keep most of it because I AM "disgruntled". I think a lot of us are treated in an unacceptable manor and the structure of the organization and management is worked in such a way that can be really hard to fight, even with union support. I don't know the answers, I guess sometimes it helps just to get stuff off your chest to folks in a similar situation.
I'm a 1st year CCA. I've always been willing to go out again after I'm done with my route, I always check every name on every piece of mail against the names on the box, if there are any. I try to do route maintenance (pulling full boxes for 10 day holds, clearing overflowing outgoing boxes in CBUs, updating names when there's a filled out vacant slip, etc.) when I have a hold down or even if I'm just subbing. I always curb my wheels, put the vehicle in park, engage the emergency break, take the keys, and lock my doors (when the vehicle will be out of sight). I have always strove to deliver all mail as safely, accurately, and efficiently. In. That. Order.
Turns out management would rather have carriers that run through the routes as quickly as possible than carriers that put in the work to deliver mail safely and accurately. It feels like since I'm not willing to completely disregard the rules for mail delivery, or let them get away with actions and behaviors against the contract (and my own standards of decency between coworkers) that I'm the problem.
They've turned a new carrier who legitimately liked their job and looked forward to going to work most days into a jaded one that doesn't see any advantage to being cooperative.
This feels like like an us vs them situation in a way I've never encountered in a job before, like they'll throw you under the bus as soon as it benefits them. I wish I'd taken more seriously the advise to take photos of EVERY SINGLE form you submit, because you WILL need them at some point. Unfortunately it seems the union is pretty hamfisted when it comes to CCAs, seemingly because of lack of protection around working hours. Also, I guess you can only file a grievance within 14 days of an infraction happening, which is pretty damn frustrating considering the lack of training I feel I've received from management and the union.
Educate and advocate for yourselves folks!