Scammed by usaa? No collision coverage after accident??

Hi! Long story short- My husband got into an accident last month about a week before our policy ended. We’ve yet to hear from an adjuster. The body shop called and said it was over 14k in damage, so it will probably be totaled out. I finally get ahold of the adjuster and they inform me that we don’t have collision coverage. And we were SOL. I couldn’t believe it, as it was a financed car. A requirement to have on the car before I could leave the lot, etc. so I had collision. I’m looking through my policy, I had removed collision from a different vehicle on the policy (pos 2013 Hyundai). Car totaled is vehicle 04 (Kia k900). Car we removed collision from is vehicle 06. The adjustment to the policy said collision deleted vehicle 06. And that’s the only change we made. Our policy auto renewed with ZERO CHANGES made to the policy (we have collision). We’re being told that “this is strange” “we’ve never seen this before” “we need to look further into this” “we see where collision we removed from vehicle 06 and only that vehicle, but why is there no collision on the other two, strange” also to say, we had never gotten an email or letter from either finance company stating we don’t have collision and we have x amount of days to add to the insurance. Has anyone had this happen before? Any advice? I have a feeling this will need to be handled by an attorney. But if anyone has gone through this, I’d love some feedback.