Closing all my USAA accounts today and honestly it feels quite good

For the first twelve years of my patronage, USAA was probably the BEST company I ever had to interact with but after the last few years the company has taken an absolute nosedive in quality of both product and customer service.

There have been a few compounding frustrations, but the final straw that broke the camel’s back was a technical issue that did not process my intent to shut off automatic payments on my credit card account when I did a balance transfer months ago… paying off the entire balance transfer (which had a 0% APR, total lost opportunity), hitting overdraft protection (which USAA promised I wouldn’t be charged interest for this was a lie, the interest has continued to hit my account every month that they have been attempting to rectify this issue) and making it really impossible to plan around my USAA accounts with everything being in flux. Well four months later, four escalation tickets and a call every week trying to get updates on the situation I was informed on a call that a letter was sent saying that the incident was resolved - and the resolution was that USAA couldn’t do anything they told me they could.

Well as someone who had worked in operations in banking, I know for an absolute fact they could reverse the original automatic payment and the overdraft payment if they really wanted to. But the USAA customer service and experience has absolutely gone down the drain. The reps are still very friendly on the phone, but USAA no longer wants to make their members feel valued and want to work for their customers.

This banking issue has been the last straw for me, but I have had issues with their car insurance arm as well.

Hate to have to jump through all the hoops to move my money out, close my accounts and start a relationship with a new company but my hope is Navy Federal is right in my backyard, I’ve had friends extoll the benefits of it that have switched over and Chase should be sufficient enough to have my money in checking and continue to utilize their credit card services.

Any recommendations for car and rental insurance would be very welcome!

Thank you, and hopefully this post helps anyone else who has been dissatisfied or is on the fence!