School photos - aren't these too expensive?
Why are these prints so expensive? The cheapest print is £18! The expensive ones are ~£40.
They don't offer you digital copies (obviously so that they can rip us off with the prints)
Do schools get a share of the profits these companies make? Schools encouraging us to buy these photos, sending reminders, etc., makes me wonder.
I wouldn't mind (and surely my child too) having a class group photo from school. Sure, professional photographers come to school and take photos, it costs money. Understood. But trying to rip us off with photos of our kids is a bit absurd. Especially the individual photos they take in class. We make way better photos and I wouldn't pay a penny for the individual photos. Instead of allowing these rip off companies, schools should ask volunteer photographers (from among parents) to take photos and provide digital copies so that parents can choose whether to print, where to print etc.