List advice! Vangaurd onslaught
Hey yall. Looking for some advice on list building, main plan with this list is to have my drop pod push a screamer killer up for my opponent to deal with and have broodlords/genestealers push up on objectives. Lictors/trygon being my secondary scoring units as well as being a bit of a backfield threat. Is the drop pod meme worth it or should I get more battleline in this list? I could also use my 6 VRL to infiltrate up and screen my opponent
Xenos - Tyranids - Vangaurd d00dz- [1995 pts]
Character [560 pts]
Broodlord [80 pts] Broodlord [80 pts] Broodlord [80 pts] Neurotyrant [105 pts]: Neurotyrant claws and lashes Winged Hive Tyrant [215 pts]: Warlord, Chameleonic, Tyrant talons, Monstrous bonesword and lash whip
Battleline [85 pts]
Gargoyles [85 pts]: • 10x Gargoyles
Infantry [820 pts]
Biovores [50 pts]: • 1x Biovore [50 pts] Genestealers [150 pts]: • 10x Genestealer Genestealers [150 pts]: • 10x Genestealer Genestealers [150 pts]: • 10x Genestealer Lictor [60 pts] Lictor [60 pts] Zoanthropes [200 pts]: • 5x Zoanthrope
Monster [425 pts]
Exocrine [140 pts] Screamer-killer [145 pts] Trygon [140 pts]
Dedicated Transport [105 pts]
Tyrannocyte [105 pts]