collecting plastics
i do not trust our trash services to truly recycle properly, (which is a me issue i guess) so i have been taking any plastic scraps, films, bags, strips etc. and storing them in bags. i think that it could pay off in the future, and i have peace of mind that my trash is not being scattered to the wind. it all compiles pretty well, and because i have enough space, i am comfortable with hiding it away.
edit: what an odd amount of condescension i am receiving from a sub that i admire and enjoy reading. the only people managing to comment anything with value are the ones providing additional information, not dogpiling on me for the lulz. if anything, i feel hardened in my resolve to see this through. plastic is killing the planet, and we need solutions.
edit 2: i am sure that you will all feel overjoyed to learn that i put my boy in the recycling bin today. i will continue the method of condensing plastic into bags(hoarding?) before throwing it.
thanks to the people who had something constructive to add, i will leave it up as it is a good source of information, albeit frustrating.