Anyone else joining the 4B movement?

No sex No children No relationships No emotional labor

Men deserve, at the minimum, basic human decency just as we do. But relationships, sex, children, and constant emotional labor? No, let's opt out.

Men who voted blue will always have a special place in my heart and vulva, but yall are gonna have to provide some proof you voted for human rights before I get there homes.

(And yes, if a black person said this about white people, I'd be unbothered. Don't come at me with the 'if a ...... said this')

Edit: 4B in the states is VASTLY different from 4B in Korea. There's far more gender injustice there and their rules are different from what the idea in the US would be.

In the US, since there's a lot of open minded, liberal men who genuinely support women's rights, the idea behind 4B isn't to cut men off completely from female empathy. The idea is to make dating, 'giving chances' and forgiving 'he's just a guy' behavior obsolete. Make them live in constant paranoia of being disliked and worthless unless they act the way we want them to (which is with empathy lmao) just like the world has programmed us to do.

Edit 2: Want to clarify something. 4B isn't about punishment or hatred. It's about making the world realize just how valuable women are. If you are in a relationship, cool! Be happy. I'm not demanding divorces and abortions of wanted children over here, just for those who have the option to consider how powerful it could be to 'strike' so to speak.

There's so many comments I can't possibly get to them all, but please continue the discussion. And, one final time, this isn't a 'men are evil' party for terfs. Men are the way they are because the patriarchy effects them too. Its on us right now to make changes for our own safety though. We'd love to have them on our side given how unsafe our rights are at the moment. Besides, no one's gonna arrest you for deciding to embrace 1 good guy you're sincerely compatible with. It's about calling attention to women's issues, bottom line. Be kind, my loves. They won't burn us again.