Impostor syndrome after qb test yesterday? Was in 99th percentile for inattention and hyperactivity and psych said normally he only sees those results when people try and throw the test

I'm worried I didn't try hard enough? And also I can't stop thinking, what if I did try and throw the test because I wanted to be believed too much? But also when I was taking the test I was like... well, I was letting my attention wander too much and maybe didn't try hard enough, but also I did try and pull myself back to earth a lot. And also it's hard to remember a lot of specifics but I was so nervous, and like 60% of my attention was being taken up by the fact that my psychiatrist was also existing in the room and was perceiving me. So I felt like I was trying to take the test through a layer of static.

I tend to have a problem with trusting other people's perception of me over my own so I feel like I don't even know what's real rn. He did offer meds as an option and I want to try them, and also I've been trying to get my shit together enough for 10 years to be assessed so maybe I fucked it up because I had too much built up in my head and I just wanted to be believed. I don't know I just feel like I've done something really wrong